About Us

Former President of PH&CA


M.B.B.S. Karachi L.R.C.P. London

M.R.C.S., England L.M.S.S.A. London

F.R.C.S., Glasgow F.R.C.S., Edinburgh

Tamgha i Imtiaz ..………………………… Sports

Pride of Performance ……………………………. Surgery

Sitara I Imtiaz …………………………… Public Service

Hilal e Imtiaz……………..….………….. Surgery



Private Hospitals & Clinics Association established on 3rd April, 1972, its a National, Non-profitable, Non-Government Private Hospitals and Clinics Association. We are the only recognised platform of Private Hospital and Clinics in Pakistan.

Our goal is to recognize the efforts and services provided by private hospitals and clinics to share the burden of National Health Care System.

PH&CA is the forum for you to raise your voice against any unlawful handling and mistreatment of regulators and general public.

PH&CA provides a platform to our members where they can exchange knowledge and networking with other member hospitals and they act together to improve standards, quality, and level of healthcare service in their setups.

PHCA aim is to be recognized globally so we can bring better health care services in collaboration with International Health Care Providers.

The founder office bearers of the PH&CA was Dr.Yahya A.Bohra (President), Dr.Lt.Col.Said Ahmed ( Hon. Secretary), Dr.F.U.Baqai (Joint Secretary), Dr.Naveed A.Shah (Treasurer), Dr.Sajda Siddiqui (Member), Dr.Shamim Akhter (Member), Dr.Mahjabeen Nasir (Member) and Dr.Murtaza Khan (Member)


During the tenure of Ex President of the PH&CA Dr.Syed Muhammad Ali Shah to combat violence against hospitals/doctors, a letter from IG Sindh was issued in which it was said that No official below the rank of SP can register complaints against any doctor which was an achievement.PH&CA in association with PMA, PIMA and other professional bodies had a series of meeting to combat violence, target killing and money extortion and demanded the Government and concern agencies to protect doctors life and property which paid off, subsequently had meeting with journalist association (both print, electronic & social media) to develop code of conduct before bringing out any news against doctors/medical centers.PH&CA Pursued health ordinance to regulate health care services and protect both doctors and patients and to prevent the menace of quackery and ultimately the ordinance signed by the Governor of Sindh during tenure of Dr.Syed Junaid Ali Shah, a caretaker Health Minister of Sindh, later on which was converted as Sindh Healthcare Commission Act 2013 pass by Provincial Assembly of Sindh and established Sindh Healthcare Commission.The association also presented and got success in withdrawing KDA/SBCA registration and regulatory ordinance against clinics/healthcare centers.The association provides PPE to members hospitals during COVID-19 for the protection of their staff from Corona. Since Karachi Electric was charging Extra GST from hospitals on their electric bills, against which PH&CA got stay from High Court of Sindh and subsequently these charges has been waved off on K-Electric Bills of the member hospitals.



Dr. Bilal M. Faiz Khan
Vice President
Dr. Farhan Essa Abdullah
General Secretary
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
Joint Secretary
Naeem Asghar